The first Provincial Conference on Agroecology took place on November 8 and 9 at the National University of Luján. This initiative brought together various stakeholders, institutions, and farmer organizations to create spaces for dialogue and address the main challenges faced by agroecology-based food systems.
The Conference featured thematic roundtables, panels with special guests, presentations and discussions of experiences and scientific works on Agroecology, posters, technology showcases, an agroecological products fair, and audiovisual presentations.

The Bioleft team participated through María Laura Bravo and Román del Valle, who presented the work “Participatory Evaluation of Creole Tomatoes: Main Outcomes of Crop Assessment and Participatory Tastings“. This work is based on the progress made during the 2023-2024 season in collaboration with the project “Al rescate del tomate criollo” (School of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires).
The presentation was part of the Agroecological Intensive Plant Production Systems thematic area, where we shared, along with 11 other initiatives, the results of the participatory evaluation of three creole tomato varieties associated with the project: 7 “Aimé,” 56 “Nomeolvides,” and 172 “La Piqui.” The variables evaluated included tolerance to drought, health throughout the crop cycle and postharvest stage, and flavor.
We are thrilled to have taken part in the first Provincial Conference on Agroecology—it was an enriching experience. We look forward to participating in the next one!