Bioleft is an initiative developed by an interdisciplinary research team, made up of people with backgrounds in economics, agronomy, environmental science, genetics, law, collaborative research and communication. We work to encourage the development of transformations that are more sustainable and inclusive. The project was created by the Research Center for Transformation (CENIT) together with the STEPS Centre, within the framework of the global project Transformative pathways to sustainability.
Almendra Cremaschi
I am an agricultural engineer, graduated from the National University of La Plata (UNLP). I am interested in issues related to rural development and family farming, as well as multidisciplinary work and participatory methodologies to address complex problems such as sustainability. In 2015 I started my Master's degree in Agrarian Social Studies (FLACSO) and joined the “Pathways to sustainability” project team, where I do research on sustainability in seeds.

Julián Asinsten
Economist graduated from UBA, PhD student in Economics of Innovation at UNSAM. He works at the Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación since 2018 in different research and consulting projects on innovation, development and sustainability issues in RRNN, and is coordinator of Bioleft. He is interested in the design and implementation of co-creation processes and systems thinking to address complex problems. He studied a Master in Latin American Literary Studies (UNTREF).

Florencia Chena
I am a graduate in Business Administration (UNGS), administrative coordinator of the Research Center for Transformation (CENIT-EEyN-UNSAM) of the National University of San Martín (UNSAM). I am studying a specialization in Technology and Innovation Management (UNSAM) and I am interested in change management and technological development.

María Laura Bravo
I am an agricultural engineer, graduated from the National University of La Plata (UNLP), where I teach Plant Breeding and Socioeconomics. I work in aspects related to Rural Development: I lead University Extension projects and coordinate applied research projects with family farming organizations.

Román Del Valle
I am an Agricultural Engineer, graduated from the National University of La Plata. I am interested in working together with rural and peri-urban communities, I am part of a work team linked to FACEPT that accompanies the development of markets for family farming products.

Gustavo Schrauf
I am an organic producer in the area of Río Cuarto, Córdoba, president of the Rural Change group “Pampaorganic North” and member of the board of directors of the Argentine Movement for Organic Production (MAPO).I am an agricultural engineer graduated from the National University of Rosario (UNR), Master in Plant Breeding from INTA-UNR, and PhD in Agricultural Sciences from the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA). At the latter institution, I am a full professor of Genetics and director of the “Cultivos del Sur” breeding farm.

Enrico Cresta
I am an organic producer in the area of Río Cuarto, Córdoba, president of the Rural Change group “Pampaorganic North” and member of the board of directors of the Argentine Movement for Organic Production (MAPO).

Selva Cuppari

Cecilia Reyna
I am a graduate in Psychology from the National University of Córdoba (UNC), where I also teach. I coordinate a research team based at the Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas y la UNC (IIPsi-CONICET-UNC). I work from Psychology, in constant dialogue with other disciplinary fields and knowledge in order to contribute to design or improve public policies. I study environmental issues, particularly related to consumption and production practices that respect the earth. I believe and bet on collective construction processes and the development of open science.

Yael Tachdjian
I am an entrepreneur and lover of agriculture and environmental education. My passion for nature led me to get involved in projects as a promoter of ProHuerta Inta and as a member of the Education for Sustainability team at the NGO Germinar. Now, as environmental coordinator at Jardines Maternales Diálogos, I continue to share my love for gardens and the environment, always looking for new ways of learning and teaching.

Joaquín Sanchez
I am a computer technician and a student of the Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management at Universidad de San Martín. I am currently working as a collection analyst and I joined Bioleft as part of the secondment program organized by UNSAM.

Claudio Demo
I am a family farmer. I manage a highly diversified small farm (with agroecological parts) and I have among my goals to be self-sufficient in seeds (in articulation with colleagues) and I have made the greatest progress in obtaining and recovering corn seeds, such as Chucul, Dorado, Albinco, Quarentin, Rocillo, etc. I also work as a teacher at the National University of Río Cuarto (UNRC) where I deal with social and productive issues. By training I am an agronomist engineer and Master in Rural Development (in Chiapas).

Milton Vélez
I simply try to be an agri-culturist as a way to connect with the earth and its rhythms, the act of agri-culturing sometimes gives me the opportunity to be an observer of the wonderful archetype capable of manifesting the seed.

Daniel Presello
I am a corn breeder, currently retired. I developed my career at INTA Pergamino and created the varieties Candelaria INTA, Candelaria Dúo INTA, Anita INTA and Eusilia INTA. I am motivated to collaborate with farmers in breeding for open-pollinated varieties.
Patrick van Zwanenberg
I have a degree in Environmental Sciences and a PhD in Science and Technology Policy Studies. I combine tools from the social studies of science and technology and science policy. I am interested in knowledge policies, problems of technology regulation and transformations of innovation processes that can be more responsive to social needs and values. I am also involved in research on innovation and sustainable development in Latin America.

Eduardo Musacchio
I am an agronomist engineer graduated from the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA), where I am a professor of Genetics, co-director of a Study and Work Group with Qom communities in the Chaco region and part of the work team of the Participatory System of Guarantees of the FAUBA.

Marcela Basch
I have a degree in Literature, journalism and teaching. Since 2013 I research and cover issues of collaborative economies and free and open culture. I am founder and editor of the portal El plan C, and co-organizer of the Collaborative Economy Week and Encuentro Comunes.

Mariano Fressoli
I am a sociologist and PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and Master of Arts in Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths College, University of London. I am an adjunct researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and a researcher at the Research Center for Transformation (CENIT).

Tamara Perelmuter
I have a degree in Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), a master's degree in Latin American Studies from the National University of San Martín (UNSAM) and a PhD in Social Sciences from the UBA. I am a researcher at the Institute for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (IEALC), coordinator of the Latin American Political Ecology Studies Group (GEEPAL), member of the Rural Studies Group and the Latin American Social Movements Studies Group (GER-GEMSAL) of the Gino Germani Research Institute, and professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA. My research work focuses on analyzing the processes of enclosure of seeds with emphasis on the transformations of intellectual property from the insertion of biotechnology in agriculture, and the various activisms in defense of seeds.

Anabel Marín
I am a researcher on issues linking innovation, science, technology and development. I am interested in the use of multidisciplinary approaches to address issues of economic and social development that are sustainable and inclusive, as well as the creation of products for dissemination. I work on transitions towards sustainability in industries related to natural resources, open science, private public linkages in agricultural biotechnology, opportunities for manufacturing innovation in Latin America, and the future of seeds in Argentina and Brazil.