Bioleft proposes a legal instrument for the transfer of genetic material (seeds) that ensures that such material will remain freely available for the purposes of research and development and for the registration of new seed varieties. This instrument functions in parallel with existing intellectual property legislation, as a license or a as a clause that could be added to a contract. It’s flexible in terms of conditions of use, but it will always include a viral clause that ensures that improved seeds, bred from Bioleft material will also be Bioleft, that is, they will also be available for research and development and the registration of new varieties.
Open Multiplication
Use for research, development and registration of new varieties is allowed.
Seed storage is allowed for own use.
The multiplication and sale / donation / subsequent exchange of the seed is allowed (without making any genetic improvement).
Exclusive Multiplication
Use for research, development and registration of new varieties is allowed.
Seed storage is allowed for own use.
The multiplication for sale / donation / exchange is possible only with the express authorization of the supplier (exclusivity or semi exclusivity).
No Multiplication
Use for research, development and registration of new varieties is allowed.
Seed storage is allowed for own use.
Multiplication for sale / donation / exchange is prohibited.