Last Friday, October 11th, Almendra Cremaschi and Maria Laura Bravo participated in a class for the Diploma in Agroecological Transition at the University of Santiago de Chile. In this program, over 30 extension workers and public policy agents deepen their knowledge of more sustainable agricultural models.
The presentation addressed key topics related to the development and evolution of Bioleft’s lab work:
- The seed issue: concentration of knowledge
- Is a transition towards a sustainable seed system possible?
- Sustainability transitions theory as a theoretical framework
- Transformation labs (T-labs) as a methodological framework
- Bioleft as an exemplary case
- Participatory plant breeding as a strategy for producing knowledge and seeds for agroecological transition.
The experiences of participatory breeding with tomato and maize crops were presented and offered for future exchanges, serving as references for designing and implementing local proposals.
The journey through participatory action research, systematization, synthesis, and record-keeping sparked the greatest interest among participants.
The exchange with participants and the Diploma coordinator, Dr. Santiago Peredo Parada, enriched the discussion, opening new expectations and proposals for ongoing collaboration.
We are very happy about this new partnership and look forward to reconnecting next year to continue building knowledge for the Global South and from the Global South