The book “Semillas para el bien común. Compendio de experiencias latinoamericanas y herramientas legales para su defensa en México”, of which as Bioleft we participated in its writing, collects various experiences of legal defense of seeds as a common good in Latin America and systematizes legal tools that can serve to continue protecting them in Mexico.
It was presented last March 12 at the #24 Fair of corn and other native seeds, one of the most traditional seed fairs in Mexico, as well as on April 7 at the University Seminar on Society, Environment and Institutions of the National University of Mexico, in which it was commented in the current context in which proposals to reform the Federal Law on Plant Varieties are being discussed. It was commented on by people who, from inside or outside the academy, have a long history of work and activism on the subject. You can watch the discussion on YouTube at this link.
Seeds are at the heart of agriculture, food and the lives of millions of people around the world. However, these have been concentrated in very few hands, both due to intellectual property regulations that facilitate it, and due to the monopolization of the markets. We hope that the book and the discussion around it will be useful to all those who work to make seeds a common good.