CoLabAR, the citizen laboratory of UNDP Argentina, and the Ministry of Science co-created a mapping that brings together Argentine Citizen Science initiatives with a focus on the environment. Among them, the Bioleft open seed initiative.

The UNDP Acceleration Laboratory in Argentina, Co_Lab, together with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MINCYT) co-created a mapping of citizen science environmental initiatives. The intention of this work is to promote the recognition of the social value of citizen science and of participation in this type of initiatives, as well as to identify and make visible environmental initiatives to recognize key actors, projects with potential for replicability and / or scalability, types of participation and patterns. We are proud that Bioleft is part of the thirty projects surveyed.
Citizen science refers to the collective, open and participatory scientific research effort aimed at generating knowledge in a rigorous way and driven by a broader and more heterogeneous range of actors, who are not necessarily within traditional academic fields.
Bioleft works as a living laboratory for experimentation, co-design and implementation of tools for the conservation, dissemination and open and collaborative improvement of seeds. The legal licenses and the digital platform are designed together with multiple actors and are in constant review and transformation based on their input. They participate are engaged in agricultural production with diverse practices, producers and producers that improve and innovate in the seeds they produce, plant breeding specialists, research teams from public institutions and small seed companies.
The mapping can be downloaded here: