Bioleft wins again the support of the Conservation, Food and Health Foundation

We are very happy to share with you that Bioleft has been selected, for the fourth consecutive year, by The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation as one of the projects that will receive funding during the period from July 2022 to June 2023. This will allow us to continue with the work that Bioleft has been developing for almost five years and, in particular, continue supporting our participatory breeding activities in corn and tomato.

We want to recognize the importance that the support of the CFH has for initiatives like ours, both for the continuity in the financing of our project, and for the freedom with which we carry out our work. For projects like Bioleft, based on social and technological innovations co-produced horizontally, it is very complex to obtain funding sources without being conditioned in their projections and horizons by adapting to a certain call. In addition, the terms for which financing is obtained are usually short and this leads to having to seek new resources year after year in different calls. In this sense, the support of the CFH Foundation has been key so that Bioleft has been able to maintain a sovereign direction of the project throughout these years.

During this new cycle Bioleft will focus on five interrelated activities: collaborative plant breeding experiments, the digital platform development, institutional and regulatory development around seeds, creating and empowering communities and knowledge creation and documentation.